We are building Shores Records

This means we are improving on our abilities to build a new line of services which we want to make available for booking. You've been granted access to a website that is in an early stage. As we hone our skills we will add contents for our artists and aspiring music producers.

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Types of Resources

  • Glossary contains a list of terms with explanations relating to the subject of music production
  • Software for music producers
  • Books for music producers
  • Links to external resources


Following the tradition of a good book, we found it helpful to include a brief dictionary style list of words related to the topics discussed on this website, the glossary.

Please see this resource as a kind of vocabulary to the music producer, or any artist deeply interested in the art of audio production. The terms we discuss on this pages may have its specific meaning in the particular context or subject, so naturally the descriptions are in no way complete in an encyclopedic sense.

If one of the following terms is mentioned in an article, you can access its description directly through a click without leaving the article page (example: dBFS). If you are searching manually after a specific term, you are on the right page.


The LUFS (Loudness Units, relative to digital Full Scale) expresses the perceived loudness of an audio signal. Knowing this value for one file and then adjusting it to match another, a task that is called loudness normalization, ensures that the volume for both files will be perceived as equally loud.

Today broadcasters and many digital services normalize their content to match a specific loudness value in an attempt to improve the listening experience for their users. The same is true for the mastering engineer that attempts to bring different content closer together, e.g. the tracks for an album release.

The measure for the loudness unit takes our physical ability of hearing into account. For example as humans we experience frequencies with the same amplitude in the mid range (around 2 to 5 kHz) much louder than in other ranges, take e.g. a bass frequency of 200 Hz. This is because the sensitivity of our hearing varies depending on the frequency of the perceived sound.